Our Funds | Financial Advisors

Investment principles

At Agisa we have been applying a robust investment process with demonstrable results for years, based on seven principles:

  • Patience: We believe that the best way to obtain good results is with patience, which is why we are committed to an investment model with long-term results.
  • Weighting: Leaving emotions aside, we avoid becoming passionate about a particular sector or market, which allows us to apply the principle of diversification, which, for us, equals lower risk.
  • Non-conformism: In constant search for information and with the best market analysis tools, we adapt to the market and trends. We are always on the lookout for the best optimisation of the risk-return trade-off.
  • Security: Faced with different investment options, we will always give priority to the one that allows us to preserve and grow our assets with greater security.
  • Adaptation: We are a flexible and agile decision-making team, which allows us to anticipate and manage bear markets.
  • Responsibility: We analyse each company on a discretionary basis, always looking for value and betting on quality, prosperous and responsible instruments.
  • Opportunity: : For us, volatility does not always equal risk, but often the economy, political events and markets represent a positive opportunity for our portfolios.

Name ISIN Currency NAV date Last NAV YTD 2023 Risque Factsheet
Agisa Renda AD0000055500 EUR 22-07-2024 12.15 1.92% 6.32% 2
AGS Red Flame AD0000056200 EUR 22-07-2024 113.09 4.19% 6.91% 3
Agisa 2000 AD0000056000 EUR 22-07-2024 5.08 4.59% 7.36% 5


A mutual fund is a collective investment vehicle (CII) in which several investors contribute capital to a common fund. The investors join through the purchase of units, which represent a part of the net asset value of the investment fund. A fund is managed by the management company, which is responsible for the management of the investment fund, and by a custodian, which holds the securities in which the fund invests and performs the functions of surveillance and guarantee for the investors.
The objective of a mutual fund is to achieve the highest return from the different financial products in which it is invested. Achieving an additional return that we call Alpha.
Investment decisions are made by a team of financial market specialists. This means having specialised management at a very low cost. As it is a group, it has access to markets and products that an individual investor cannot access. Practically immediate liquidity.
Most investment funds allow immediate redemption, which can vary from 24 to 48 hours.
This information can be found in the prospectus of each investment fund. Normally, there is a subscription or redemption fee for units. The fund management company and the fund custodian receive management and custodian fees that are applied directly to the fund's assets and deducted from the net asset value of the fund.
The net asset value is the price at which the unit-holder of a fund pays for the units he acquires.
There is no explicit fee for subscribing to investment funds. The fees borne by the fund are included in the net asset value.